My Publix had a Sudden Change
And it Kind Of Urged Me To Send Out this
Please Read Your Coupons!!
If something is a 'Kindof/Maybe/IDK' Situation
Please Ask @ CS First!!
Let Your Cashier KNOW You have Coupons Before They Start Scanning Your Items!!
Because Things Change ALL the Time and It's Not Fun When we Lose Out on Savings!
Did you know that the Winn-Dixie $5 off $30 and $5 off $55 Coupons Say:
"One Coupon per Transaction"?
Did you buy $120 worth of groceries?
Do 4 Separate Transactions to get the best savings!!
Publix $5 off $30 and $5 off $20 Coupons Say:
"One Coupon Per Person Per Day"
No matter how much you bought today you can ONLY use one Publix Coupon!!
Yet Doris' $2 off $25 and $10 free Giftcard wyb $100 Coupons Says:
"Not Valid With any other offer"
this is up for interpretation...
In the past we've been allowed to use
multiple $/$$($5 off $30) coupons,
but it may not always be the case,
so please check first before
getting upset or disappointed later!
It only takes a few minutes to reorganize your game plan,
but hole in your Stockpile/Pantry/Cleaning Cabinet
When you Leave upset and empty handed!