I have heard that phrase a lot recently.
"I'm not saving!"
"This is ridcules, all I do is throw away expired coupon!"
"Couponing is not worth it!"
Most of these people go to the store get whatever they want and then look at the coupons in their clutch after they are already in line. They sigh and say I have no coupons; or they find a bunch of expired ones; or one of the above phrases.
You see, there are certain keys points of couponing to get the best deals.
First and formost, MAKE A LIST! Look through the sales ad, your coupons, and what you would nomally buy. Sometimes you will find things that are on sale AND you have a coupon for it, but it is a different brand than you would normally get. Try the new brand for a super low price, if you like it go back and stock up!
Example:: I normally buy... ,
is on sale for BOGOfree @ $2.58, plus I have a coupon for $1 off 2!

is on sale for BOGOfree @ $2.58, plus I have a coupon for $1 off 2!
So you can pay $2.99 per box for NY Texas Toast or you can get 2 boxes for $1.58($.79 per box) of the Pepperidge Farm Texas Toast.
Number Two, sometimes MORE IS LESS. Less out of pocket that is! There are many place to find coupons for $5 off $30 and similar ones: in-store, Catalina's, the mail, and online. Your total today is $27.89; I have seen a few people tear up the coupon and throw it away O-o. There is no need for that! Just grab 2 candy bars and you'll have a little snack plus some extra savings!
For Southeastern Floridian(miami&broward county) Publix Shoppers 'Doris Italian Market' is a Competitor for many stores, so go to greatdealsinmycity.com scroll down and find 'Doris' The have 3 coupons, but only 2 you can use at Publix.
I personally use the $2 off $25 nearly every week. Before I start couponing I spent anywhere from $17 to $40 dollars a week, now my average is $25(before coupons) because now I have plenty of food at home it's just a fair few thing I need to get. Once I got some cat treats because I had coupons that made them free, and gave those to a friend, while I enjoyed an extra $2 off my bill...
On average I spend $12 a week at Publix. Keep in mind I'm a single lady, and I buy an average of 4 newpapers every Sunday!
So those are the two tips for the day... Now I'm off to work!